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martedì 19 luglio 2016

Plain water helps weight loss recent study indicates

Bluewater founder Bengt Rittri pours a glass of purified water from a powerful point-of-use Bluewater water purifier.

Stockholm, Sweden, July 19, 2016 – If you are battling a bulging tummy to get beach ready this summer then drinking plain water could be an answer to your dreams. 
Bluewater, a leader in leading-edge residential, point of use water purifiers, says a recent study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics indicated that choosing water over other drinks helped reduce calorie intake that could lead to significant weight loss over time.
Over 18,000 adults took part in the study by a research team from the University of Illinois who examined plain water consumption in relation to energy intake and diet quality among US adults. On average, participants drank 4.2 cups of plain water a day and consumer about 2,157 calories, which worked out at around 125 calories coming from sweetened beverages and about 432 calories from energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods such as ice-cream, cookies and pastries.
The study, which was carried out between 2005 to 2012, revealed that those taking part who drank more plain water in their daily diet consumed fewer total calories, avoided the likes of sweetened energy and sports drinks and consumed less fat and sugar. The research discovered that simply by increasing consumption by 1 – 3 cups a day could help decrease calorie intake by up to 205 calories a day.
Bengt Rittri, who founded water purifying company Bluewater three years ago, said the latest findings help support earlier research that has shown the benefits of drinking plain water before meals and cutting down on sweetened beverages when it comes to controlling weight.
"Drinking more water – and especially tap water that has been purified by a Bluewater Spirit to remove nasty contaminants – is not only a good way to control weight, but is also a refreshing way to benefit overall health and keep our eyes sparkly and skin shiny," Bengt said.
Read more about the study here:

Sold in major markets in Europe, the USA, China and elsewhere in Asia, Bluewater patented water purification technology delivers on-demand cleaner, healthier water direct from the tap. Innovated with love in Sweden, Bluewater point-of-use water purifiers improve user quality of life, health and wellbeing by removing practically all known contamination from drinking water, including micro-organisms, pesticides, heavy metals and toxins.


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